It's OK to make mistakes. Move on, Forgive, Learn & Improve.

I was a person that always comparing myself to others.
That just negative and sucks !
I don't know why, but that is unconscious for sure.
I can't even control that.
Every time I saw others' achievements, I was like,"Why can't you be like them?".
I know that thing is actually destroying us inside. We didn't realize it.
But unconsciously and continuously, we did that.
We talk about it inside.

Back then, I was the same. Even worse.
Just now that I figure out on how to control that negative inner talk.
It was sad when you look down on yourself.
You saw others, but you don't see yourself.
Why is that happening to most of people nowadays?
Comparing, judging...
We saw others praising other people, when it comes to us, they didn't do the same.
The things that we expect, it didn't happen like the way we want it to be.

As a human being, we all made mistakes.
What I learn, I try to be aware with myself, of what I've done wrong.
I try to connect with my inner self. To accept that I'm a human , I can't leave that human nature of making mistakes. But we can always learn and improve.
From that moment, I try to appreciate every single thing that comes to my life.
I try to be aware with my journey of knowing myself..
You know,.. we didn't always look back to our inner potential because we didn't aware.
We feel others existence. But we didn't always feel our soul.
Like truly feeling alive, breathing without anxiousness.

What happens nowadays, people actually dead inside. Unrealized.
We're distracted. We tend to see ourselves useless compare to others ability.
We always saw others strength, but we didn't always invest time to find and nurture our own strength.
We feel shame, we feel shy to show our strength.
Because we scared of judgements.

The things that I learn.
It's okay to do mistake, we're progressing for a better self.
Do mistakes, forgive and improve.
Be patient with yourself.
Sometimes it's not the judgements or criticisms from others.
Sometimes it's from ourselves. Our inner self.
Judgements ? Sometimes it is the matter of how we accept and interpret it.
Why ? It sort of like , we lose values . We didn't appreciate that, like...
"this is me", "there's no copy of me","this is who I am, I appreciate what I see inside of myself, I forgive what I lack in".
If we truly aware of ourselves, we know and love ourselves, we didn't easily let that criticism bugging into our mind.

"Well, that's just what you think of me though. I know myself very well enough more than you know. I'm DEFINITELY not the way you think of".

Then, you'll be OK.
That just sweet to talk like that to ourselves.
But we didn't always talk to our inner self.
We didn't treat like we love our inner self.
And when it comes to see other people, we tend to put tons of blames to ourselves to not being like the way they are, and that just sad.

What I truly learn is,
when we deeply know ourselves, we see our values and grateful for it.
We appreciate our life journey for who we truly are. We're happy for it.
Because if we didn't know ourselves, it's impossible for us to truly love ourselves. 
It's impossible for us to be happy with ourselves when we tend to see only for the weakness and the things that we are unable to do.

self-awareness is important.
self-knowledge is important.

Look at yourself, focus in searching your strength and develop it from inside.
Mistakes will happen in progressing.
It's OK, it's normal.
From those mistakes, you'll learn to overcome it and improve.
Have patient with yourself, don't look down on yourself.

Most importantly, appreciate your progress in your journey to be a better self.
It's about you :)

So, appreciate.
You'll be happy.


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